Monday, August 13, 2007

Two days until Asia

Hello, this morning I said goodbye to Anson. He was so excited to get to leave with Nana Lou and Dave but I know that he has no idea how long 22 days away from Mummy, Daddy, Mikayla and home will be. He posed for a picture with Nana Lou and Dave, happily pointing to the car for the first picture of the scrapbook that my Mum has promised to make for him. He gave me a sweet kiss goodbye (it wasn't even too drooly) and blew kisses as Dave backed down the driveway. We have been building up the trip for him - telling him that when he went to Canada he would get a Thomas backpack. We gave him the backpack on Friday night. He sat patiently with his eyes closed and I placed the bag in his hands. He opened his eyes and whispered "Wow!" and then explored the surprises we had put inside. He gleefully put on the "packpack" as he calls it and ran around the house showing it off to everyone. "Look evweybody! A Thomas packpack!" It was so cute! I wished I had video taped it. Yesterday we spent doing last minute shopping and I did most of our packing. Two bags for the three (almost four) of us with an empty bag in the second suitcase. Jess keeps teasing that he is not going to keep to his 4 top and 4 bottom limit, saying that he is going to stuff underwear and socks everywhere (by the way a 5 per item limit here). Today I will pick up some travellers cheques and finish paying the rest of the month's bills. After so many months of waiting, it is hard to believe that we are so close to departure. It is truly wonderful! Soon Tananya will be ours to hold!

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